
Monday 8 August 2011

My 300th Blog Post - Faces of Caroline Munro

Faces of Caroline Munro

Well that's just under a year and a half's blogging and I've now done three hundred of these things so I thought I'd do another celebratory post to commemorate it. Regular readers will no doubt know how fond I am of The First Lady of Fantasy Caroline Munro so I thought I'd do a little NUTS4R2 minifigure tribute to her and some of the roles she's been in through the years. Click the image "embiggen"! I hope you all like!


  1. Great stuff! That brought a big smile to my face.

  2. Hi guys!

    Nice blogs you both have. Many thanks for the kind words!

  3. I loved all the little Icons, bring on more of the same. Does Ms Munro know of your collection?

    JH .................

  4. Hi there @TheBigSilence

    Thanks for the comment... alas I have no way of getting in touch with her. I did send a message to her official fan club but I've no way of knowing if that was ever passed on.


  5. several years on but the fact that the official Caroline Munro Facebook page just posted this link suggests she does and she approves :D

    1. Really? That's great.

      I'm not on that facebook thingy so I had no idea... more a Twitter ind of person.

      Thanks very much for letting me know and thanks for stopping by to take a look.

      Much appreciated. If you like this one, I did a kind of sequel post for my 800th, ~The Ladies Of Hammer, which also features Caroline as one of the figures.

      You can find that post here...

      All the best.

  6. Replies
    1. Hi there,

      Thank you so much and thanks also for taking the time to come and comment. It's always appreciated.

      You may also like this post too.

  7. Very good,it certainly deserved a mention.Glad Caroline was kind enough to acknowelge your work.

    1. Hi there,

      Yeah, she's always absolutely brilliant whenever I met her. Back in 2012 I gave her a big canvass print of it and she seemed really thrilled by it.

      Glad you liked the post and thanks for taking the time to comment.
