
Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas 2014

Well... it’s that time of year again when I say “Thank You Very Much” to my readers on this blog. It’s a bit of a sad one for me this year, due to personal reasons, but the one thing I always like to focus on is my writing when I’m feeling extra low. Christmas can be a lonely time for many people out there but please, if you’re feeling lonely, reach out to someone for some Christmas cheer if you are able.

Also, if you want a pleasant (hopefully) diversion, then please take some time to have a look at, puzzle over and enter my Cryptic Movie Quiz. Click here for that or look at the previous post to see how that one works. Also, keep an eye on the comments section because I’m going to be giving extra clues to the answers in there from time to time.

Now I didn’t get nearly as much of the things I wanted to get reviewed in the last two years done but, fingers crossed, here’s a little of what I’m hoping to get to in the next 12 months or so...

Well, I’d ike to finish off my reviews of The Saint movie series and the Zatoichi films. I have loads of bizarre superhero, super-criminal and exploitation films you might possibly never have heard of before on the slate too. I keep meaning to review more by my favourite director Akira Kurosawa and maybe throw some more Golden Age movies and serials on here too. Not to mention addressing more Westerns and Musicals. Plenty of horror, too, I’m sure... plus a load of new cinema releases will need to be attended and dutifully “written up”. There are some small, low budget movies coming up called things like The Avengers: Age Of Ultron and Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, for example. So I should probably take a look at those.

As for the very near future... well look for a new review either Boxing Day or, possibly, the day after, for this year’s Doctor Who Christmas Special and, if I get the chance to get into central London again in the next few days, I understand there are some cinemas showing Birdman a week before a wider release, from what I can make out... and that one looks really interesting. Also, my run down of this year’s best new cinema releases should be on the cards, I think.

Anyway, that’s all that I can think of at the moment... I’m sure there will be some surprises for me too, along the line. So thank you once again for tuning in to this blog when you get a hankering for my words. Have a wonderful Christmas time, whatever you’re doing, and hopefully we’ll all have a better New Year... whether the last one was good or not.

More of the same soon... same Nuts time, same Nuts channel.


  1. Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you too Mr. R2.

    Thank you for sharing your notes and insights. They're always informed, enriched with abundant context and well written. There is something truly unique in your approach and some of the aspects you shed light on.

    So I hope you keep going and wish you all the very best for next year.

    Katrin Jenny

    1. Thanks very much lady. I am, I promise, doing my best. I just need a little more support from those around me sometimes but... people never really know how bad things get.

      Anyway thanks for being a friend and for surfing over to this site and reading it when you do. Really nice to have someone who believes in me.

      All the best to you.


  2. Well, it is entirely my privilege Mr. R2 and I feel I'm lucky to have stumbled across you in the vastness that is the interweb.

    You know you have made me see (and I mean that as a good thing, truly) how utterly poor my film viewing skills really are. There are so many aspects in a film to which I have never even paid attention and you make me discover them.

    You have carved yourself a great blog here (don't even get me started on the graphic and art work found in some of your entries ;)). Your passion for films and books shines through in every line you write so it is always a pleasure to come and read and take an eyeful.

    You should be well and truly proud of yourself Mr. R2 xx

    Katrin Jenny

    1. Hi again,

      You're really too kind but thanks for that. Like I said... doing my best.

