
Wednesday 5 August 2015

The Faces of Norma Jean - My 1000th Blog Post

The Faces of Norma Jean
My 1000th Blog Post

So here I am, approximately five and a half years into my great blog adventure and I’ve reached post number 1000. I think, if you work it all out by the numbers and taking into account that some of the posts have multiple films in them, that there’s actually a few more a thousand reviews on here now.

This one is dedicated to a very special friend called Katrin Jenny... a very regular reader. Just before the five year anniversary of my blog she reminded me that my fifth was coming up, I’d completely forgotten myself, and so since I know she loved the Marilyn Monroe picture I created for my review of My Week With Marilyn (reviewed here) I thought I’d do a little NUTS4R2 style homage to Marilyn in some of her more interesting incarnations in her short life (click on the image to enlarge). Partially because I knew Katrin would probably like it and, partially, because I hope the majority of my readers will too. There’s been a fair few little examples of this kind of “figure artwork” scattered around in various reviews on the blog over the years and this one itself is a continuation of the larger collected pieces which I started with my The Faces of Caroline Munro illustration here and continued with my The Ladies of Hammer illustration here. So I hope you like my tribute to Marilyn for this thousandth post.

As for the blog... well, despite a few scares including some hefty technology issues, it’s still carrying on and I’m hoping to have some interesting movies and books reviewed for you all in the coming year... the first of which will be going up either this Friday or possibly Saturday, unless something unusual happens to stop it. I take this opportunity to thank all of my readers for visiting this site over the years and for dropping the occasional comment... Hey, more comments people! I love comments... mostly. I do appreciate your time so please feel free to drop in anytime you can... it always means a lot to me.


  1. Congratulations on 1000 posts in this blog of yours Mr. R2!

    And thank you very much for dedicating this special 1000th post to me. I'm very honoured & deeply touched. Your 'Marilyns' are exquisite, I love them. Of course I've had a particular fondness for the 'The Seven Year Itch' one from the moment I unearthed it in this treasure trove that is your blog.

    I love to roam the halls of said blog. Your approach to films is so unique & what you say about them is always fascinating reading. And then the art work popping up and adding more sparkle to some posts. Love it.

    So I hope you keep going on writing and sharing your wealth of movie knowledge. I feel very privileged to have stumbled across you & your blog in the vastness that is the interweb.

    Thanks again for this lovely dedication (I'm sure I didn't deserve it) & all the best for the next 1000 posts!

    Katrin Jenny

    1. Hey there lady.

      I'm very glad you liked it. Some of those took me quite while. My favourite bit was putting the laddered holes in the fishnet stockings for the Bus Stop figure.

      Thanks, as always, for reading and for taking the time to comment. Got an interesting one going on tomorrow... might go on at lunchtime. Bit of a shorter review for me but... yeah.

      Anyway, thanks again. Always lovely to hear from you.
