
Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas 2015


Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to you!

This year has certainly been an interesting one. Something wonderful happened to me which I can’t reveal for a long time yet but... one day I will get to shout out about it a bit, I’m hoping.

On the other hand, my work life has been atrocious in terms of my country’s government not investing in the right services and industries to give people the tools they need to survive in life. How safe any jobs that are perceived by anyone with a sane mind as 'essential', is in serious question over here in the UK at the moment. So pretty much everyone I know is just always looking over their shoulder, waiting to catch a glimpse of an uncertain future.

However, this blog stays my safe haven, I’m pleased to say. Once again I didn’t get half of the films and books I wanted to get reviewed on here seen to. If you read last year’s Christmas post I could pretty much just list exactly what I was expecting for this last year as possibly coming around this year. Who knows? This didn’t stop me looking at some really interesting stuff, however, and I really hope you found at least some of the reviews either unusual, helpful, enlightening or, at the very least, entertaining.

And that’s basically it I think. Please take a look at my Annual Cryptic Movie Quiz on the post before this (just click here) as I know there are some people out there who really enjoy puzzling over them on their Christmas break and, you never know, you may be one of them. Answers and winner will be announced sometime in early 2016. However, if you keep checking in the comments section, you may find I post the odd extra clue every now and then.

And please stop back here again for a look at my review... good, bad or indifferent... of this year’s new Doctor Who Christmas Day Special, The Husbands Of River Song, in a couple of days. They’ll probably be a Best Movies Of 2015 list at some point soon so that may be worth a look too... the films you may expect to be on there might not even have made the cut this year.

Thank you all very much for reading and continuing to support this blog. I hope Santa brings everyone exactly what they deserve this Christmas and that everyone has a better year in 2016 than this last one has been... whether it was a good or bad year. I will leave you with this famous ‘almost salutation’ from Tiny Tim in Dicken’s A Christmas Carol, which I think sums up the end of this year very well.

"May The Force Be With You All... and to all a Good Night."

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