
Monday 21 March 2016

Six Years, 1100 posts

Six of the Best

Well... some of the better, anyway.

This post marks both my 1100th entry on this review blog and, more importantly, six years to the day since I first decided to sit down and see if I had enough mental stamina to write this thing and keep it going. Which I kinda doubted but, hey, I’m still here and, honestly, at my end of the telescope (late 40s), the years just tend to shoot by.

So I'm marking this post with a new piece of artwork (click on it to enlarge), which I hope you like. Not sure what to call the thing, to be honest. I started off with ‘Do Showgirls Dream Of Origami Unicorns?’ but maybe now prefer ‘The Showgirl And The Unicorn’. Either of which is probably better than ‘The Eye Of The Vagina’... especially since I reckon I can do a different piece to go with that title. Anyway, which title do you think suits it best (out of those two, please)? Let me know in the comments section, if you’ve a mind to.

Anyway, thanks, as always, for reading and sticking with me for however long you have been out of the past six years. It’s very much appreciated and I’ll try my best to keep it up.

All the best to you.


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