
Friday 31 August 2018

My 1500th Blog Post

Cahiers Du Movies

My 1500th Blog Post

Well that was a really heavy week.

I saw six movies at various cinemas last weekend, five of them at FrightFest and then, in between working my day job this week, I actually managed to get all of them written up and published in the space of as many days. So I’m really pleased with myself for that.

Then, right on top of that, it turns out that this is my 1500th blog post... so I thought I’d get something up quick before I go back to the cinema tomorrow night and have to start writing up the next movie (which, ironically, turns out to be a movie which previewed a last weekends FrightFest but, luckily, not one I saw). I was kinda unsure what to mark this occasion with but recently, one of my friends who is moving house soon, found a number of issues of an old newsletter I used to write for my friends (thanks Chris). You see, even before I was writing this blog I still wanted to get movie thoughts down on paper... or whatever medium... and out of my clogged up head. I’d kind of half forgotten about the newsletter, which I called Cahiers Du Movies after the French new wave mob.

So I thought, in honour of my 1500th post, I’d pick one of these old issues with the small circulation (in single figures) and reprint it here so any of my readers could see what I was doing before I had the NUTS4R2 blog. The one I picked is not a typical issue in that it was inspired by my cinema trip to see American Splendor... so instead of the usual articles I drew a comic strip about the movie (kinda, you’ll see). Eagle eyed viewers might spot a running cover gag from a novel... half of which was made by Roman Polanski into a very interesting horror movie under a different title.

So, anyway, hope you like this trip back into my past and thank you all for reading.

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