
Friday 21 December 2018

NUTS4R2's Cryptic Movie Quiz - Christmas 2018

Annual Cryptic Movie Quiz

Merry Christmas everybody.

Once again it’s time for my Cryptic Movie Quiz for the festive period.

If you look at the grid above you’ll see spaces for 14 movie titles running horizontally and, below this intro, are the cryptic clues to help you work out what these non-Christmas movie titles are. To help you out, I’ve filled in a line of letters diagonally downwards spelling out MERRY CHRISTMAS... so you have a letter in its correct position for each of the titles. Please don’t forget to click on the grid to see a larger version of it and maybe print it off to help you.

As usual, depending on my finances after Christmas... I’ll probably award a small, strange or possibly customised prize (customised if I know you from Twitter) to the person with the most correct answers, pulled from a hat in the unlikely event of a draw (that's never happened yet).

Email your answers to me at and, since I posted this a little later this year, you have until the end of January 6th 2019 to get your entries in. A few days after that, I’ll stick up the name of the winner (or winners, if it’s a tie or a group effort), along with all the answers, here on my blog.

By way of an example, here’s a question from last year’s quiz, followed by the answer...

Example question:
Saw her feller.

Example answer:
Another way of saying 'saw her feller' might be... spied her man. So... SPIDERMAN was the answer to the clue.

If you keep checking back at the comments section below, I will probably put the odd extra clue down there every now and again to help you out through the Christmas period.

Full marks are rarely scored so... if you’re feeling a bit stuck, there’s still everything to play for. Send me what you've got anyway.

I hope you enjoy playing and, above all, have fun this Christmas, drink responsibly and play irresponsibly. And here are the questions...

1. How old is this special elevation in the road to lift your vehicle off the ground?

2. Tie someone up and then recite the letters of their current state in the right order.

3. They sliced and scrambled Reg up and added something to stop him being odd.

4. I go with the French green.

5. The fourth guy along in the alphabet.

6. You just make your way up to the top of that chopping instrument.

7. Like if a distorted, reduced version of a Woody Allen title character came from a continent bounded by Europe and the Arctic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.

8. Observing a nasty shade of angry and then getting into an argument at the place which is conducive to your good health.

9. Presumably this is where the alphabet lives.

10. Raise an unrelated child on the last day of the working week.

11. Backslang for an Emu to a ‘t’.

12. The final thing needed to hold up the 13th letter of the alphabet.

13. A terrible, common serifed font is where it’s at when James, The Black Dahlia writer, drinks a malt beverage containing about 6 percent alcohol by volume.

14. After the sixth we have a pinnipedia.

Again... good luck and best wishes to you for the season.


  1. One of these clues should have you seeing red.

  2. One of these answers looks like it could do with evening up.
