
Friday 19 August 2011

Thank You Caroline!

A Big Thank You to
Caroline Munro!

Just a quick word to say thanks very much to the lovely Caroline Munro for giving me a mention on her official fansite (see screen shot above). If you ever read this Caroline, that just plain made my year!

I clean forgot to put a link to her website when I posted my 300th Blog Post... a terrible oversight on my part. But never fear, here’s a link to the charming Caroline’s official site here...

And here’s a link to my 300th Blog Post art - The Faces of Caroline Munro, which prompted that wonderful response in the first place -

Thanks again Caroline!


  1. How cool - why am I not surprised that she liked your work. Nice of her to give you a mention - you're a star!

  2. Hello there!

    Thanks for the kind words. I was so pleased she actually saw and liked my little doodles. She's a really great person and a true star!

    Thanks for taking the time to read... I know how busy you must be with your own writing!
