Sunday, 2 March 2025

From - Season 3

La La Land
From Hell

From - Season 3
Ten Episodes
October - December 2024

Just a very brief catch up and drop in on Season 3 of what is arguably one of the best and certainly among the strangest TV shows of contemporary times.

Picking up from the finale of last season of From (reviewed here), where the mother, Tabitha, played by Catalina Sandino Moreno, has managed to, seemingly, have escaped to the outside world (by being pushed out of a tower), she’s amazingly still out at the start of the episode and, escaping from hospital, she tracks down Victor’s dad. It turns out Victor’s mother invented the teleporting ‘bottle tree’ as an art exhibit. Meanwhile, her husband is getting phone calls in the village from his dead son. Other things happening are the character of Fatima, played by Peggy Ghafoori, who can’t get pregnant… is now somehow pregnant (but not with anything that can be picked up on a medical scanner). This equipment comes to the community via an ambulance because, when Victor’s dad crashes his car with himself and Tabitha in it, they are picked up by an ambulance with a police woman on board, because of a misunderstanding… and then they come to the log in the road and before you know it, Tabitha, Victor’s dad and the new lady cop character are back in the community again... but at night. And with Tabitha chained inside the ambulance and the night creatures on the prowl… the new arrivals are in the village but at much cost... at least to the paramedics and driver, who promptly get ripped apart.

And so on… it’s business as usual for From where, once again, each new episode brings us a fresh and baffling extra twist which just contributes to the overall, increasing darkness of the show… as if things couldn’t get any grimmer. Among other things happening is a sweet old lady who is accidentally murdered by one of the main characters, a ventriloquist’s dummy which you know is going to take on a life of its own by the time we get to the end of season 4 (which is currently being touted as arriving in 2026), a past knowledge of the place buried and slowly revealed over time in Tabitha’s memories,  a polaroid camera which takes its own pictures to communicate its desires and... the nicest most innocent character kidnapping Fatima and then himself getting tortured for information as to where he has hidden her.

Yeah, it’s still just getting darker and darker and… although I know for some people the constant need to get to the required amount of seasons means it’s dragging for them somewhat (I think someone I know is about to jump ship on it), I am still finding it quite fresh and entertaining. But yes, it needs to end sometime soon and, although the characters are constantly being given new ‘clues’ to work with, I can’t see any other real solution to this storyline other than the fact that everyone in the community is in Hell and this is their punishment. Nothing else really seems to fit for me… as much as that would obviously be a total let down by this point, of course.

So that’s a very short review and I’m done with Series 3 but, I am still looking forward to seeing where this is going, for sure. I wish modern TV shows didn’t keep waiting so long between seasons because, of course, by the time Season 4 comes out I will have forgotten everything and there are so many threads and characters to pull on in this one that it becomes hard to keep everything in your head. Still, Season 3 of From was entertaining stuff and it kept me on the edge of my seat, once again.

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